목록 편집
위 요소를 누르면 편집용 강조 표시가 on/off 됩니다.


들개, 野犬yaken 

Game | NELL | O.C. | etc.


PC 웨일브라우저 2560x1440 회원공개

가입 시 알아볼 수 있는 닉네임으로 해주세요. 


Set list:

1. 須田景凪 「Cambell」 -Rearranged ver.-

2. -

3. -

Stranger Than Paradise

* 천국보다 낯선​  

I will become a torch for you, an aerial. I will fall from the sky like ancient radio waves of flawed concrete. Through underground springs and freezing subterranean rivers. Through the bacteria of my gut and heart. Through the bottomless boat and forgotten trawlers where nobody has died.